Tutbury Practice Patient Forum

The Forum, formed over 4 years ago, has grown from 4 people, managed by the practice, into an autonomous group of 19 representing all registered patients of the Practice with everyone welcome to attend our regular meetings held in Tutbury Village Hall.

The Forum Notice Board, near the front entrance of the Surgery, advertises meeting dates, times, etc. The group is advertised in the Practice booklet, newsletters and on their website. Present demographics of the group lean towards the older generation, we would welcome the involvement of younger people and young families in order to achieve a more balanced distribution of the patients we represent.

The Forum is a member of the National Association Patient Participation, (NAPP). We attend conferences and submit our views on national issues as NAPP has a voice up to Government level.

At local level we have representatives on the PCT District Engagement Group and also attend various consultation events to give our opinions on those issues which have a bearing on our patients.

Over time we have developed an excellent working relationship with members of the Practice resulting in open, frank discussions with:

• Presentations given by members of the Practice.
• 2 members of the Practice staff attending our meetings.
• Supported the Practice in changes to “Do not attend” protocols and other issues that affect both Practice and patient.
• Purchased books for the Patient Library.
• Completed 2 patient surveys. The last resulted in meetings with Practice Partners and staff to discuss issues raised.

To summarise we are a group of fellow patients who discuss issues and ideas with the Practice to help influence patient care and well-being within the Practice.

Our aims: To maintain quality of care and work with the staff in moving the Practice forward. To achieve this we:

ALL have to work together,
COMMUNICATE positively to achieve
EXCELLENCE for all concerned.

For further information please complete a form beside our notice board, hand into Reception or contact Forum Secretary.

(Article taken from Autumn 2012 edition of the Rollestonian)

Tutbury Practice Patients Forum
Meeting Dates 2016

Wednesday January 13th 1pm – 3pm
Wednesday March 16th 1pm – 3pm
Wednesday May 18th 1pm – 3pm
Wednesday July 13th 1pm – 3pm
Wednesday September 14th 1pm – 3pm
Wednesday November 16th 1pm – 3pm

The meetings are held in the Village Hall, Monk Street, Tutbury.

All Tutbury Practice patients are welcome.

(Announcement taken from Spring 2016 edition of the Rollestonian)

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Last updated: 13 March 2016