The Village Design Statement

What is it?

The Village Design Statement is a document produced by the village community which describes the character that makes the village a special place in which to live. It sets out design objectives that should be observed by everyone.

Who is it for?

It is a reference offering guidance for anyone planning development in and around the village. It will be as useful to an individual householder planning to build an extension or put in new windows, as it will be to a housing developer building new housing, an industrial developer or a landowner planning tree felling or new planting. Every householder in the village will have a copy.

How does it work?

It has been adopted as formal Supplementary Planning Guidance in the East Staffordshire Borough Council Local Plan. People applying for planning permission for a development in the village will have to show that they have taken on board the guidance it contains when drawing up their plans. Deliberate disregard of this guidance may well result in refusal of planning permission.


Why do we need it?

The Statement traces the origins of Rolleston, its history over the past millennium and its life and environment on the threshold of the new one.

It is a Statement prepared from original thought to final printing by "Rollestonians" - with the financial and practical support of the Countryside Commission.

It is to ensure that changes that take place in the future fit in with what is best in Rolleston on Dove today. The village may not have "the semi feudal grandeur" of a century ago (Nicholas Mosley "Rules of the Game" Secker & Warburg 1982) but it still possesses attractive features bequeathed to us by his forebears.

The Statement advises everyone involved with Rolleston on Dove be they developer or developed, planner or planned, large or small, many or few, young or old - what is important, of value and worthy of retention.