
The Almshouses, in Burnside are administered by Trustees of the registered charity, Rolleston Almshouse Charity. The Village Charities started around the year 1612 with a gift which was followed by further bequests in 1612, 1673 and 1694.

William Roulston’s Almshouse and Charity started with his will dated 23rd July 1672. The Hospital/Almshouses were built sometime after his will was published, restored in 1892 by Hannah and Elizabeth Higgott and modernised in 1966 with trust monies and grants.

All the village charities were in one scheme and under the Charitable Trust Acts 1853 and 1894.

The Rolleston Almshouse Charity as we know it today was approved by the Charity Commission 20th January 1908 at the same time the Rolleston United foundation was established.

Rolleston Almshouse Charity is run by "Ten Competent Persons being eight Representatives and two Co-optative Trustees". The Clerk to the Charity is Mr T.J. Bramall of Talbot & Co., Solicitors who carry out the administrative accounting and clerical work in connection with the day to day running of the charity.

To commemorate the start of the new millennium the Trustees have arranged for the Almshouses to be externally painted and window joinery repairs to be carried out in the spring. The central gateway, onto the Alderbrook, has been bricked up for many years. This gateway is to be re-opened and new gates installed copying the design seen in a recently discovered old photograph.

With constant care, repairs and renovations we hope the foresight of our ancestors in their community works will continue into the new Millennium.

John Marshall (Chairman of the Trustees)

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© This site was created by Richard Bush

Last updated: 5 April 2000