Doveside WI News 2005

Newsletter - Winter 2005

Now that our meetings have resumed after the summer break we are looking forward to a programme of interesting speakers and events for the coming season.

The September meeting was well attended even though quite a lot of members were still on holiday. The speaker at this meeting was Mr Graham Nutt whose subject was “The Magic Attic”, a very intriguing title and one that could be open to misinterpretation – nothing to do with conjuring tricks or producing rabbits from hats, I hasten to add! This is actually the name of a building in Swadlincote which houses archives of very early editions of local newspapers. Mr Nutt was a mine of information on his subject and his enthusiasm was obvious. He brought along a large number of examples of these early newspapers and a collection of photographs which were very interesting and we could have spent a long time studying them if it had been available. It is possible to visit the “Magic Attic” in Swadlincote at various times and it could be well worth while just to get an idea of life as it was many years ago.

We held a Coffee Morning in September which was well supported and raised some very welcome funds for Doveside. 

The October meeting was a very jolly occasion when we celebrated two events, both of which were of great significance – one historical – the other social and welfare, mainly for the interests and concerns of women.

The historic event was, of course, the 200th Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar, when Admiral Lord Nelson secured a glorious victory when the fleet that he commanded defeated the combined navies of France and Spain. The Scout HQ where we meet was decorated with Union Flag bunting and our belle plate ringers played “Land of Hope and Glory” and we all joined in singing it with gusto.

The other event was the 90th Anniversary of the founding of the W.I. and we toasted this momentous occasion with a glass of sherry and the hope that it will continue long into the future. The speaker at the October meeting was Mrs Pauline Spratt accompanied by her assistant who described the function of the League of Friends of Burton Hospital. This was very enlightening and their work must be unknown to most people in that they raise a great deal of money by their efforts, which is used to purchase equipment that is outside the scope of N.H.S. funding. They are all volunteers and are to be commended for this work that benefits patients.

We meet on the third Friday of every month except August at the Scout HQ, Rolleston at 9.45am and are always pleased to welcome visitors and new members.

M. Anderson

Newsletter - Spring 2005

Over the past months Doveside W.I. has had a variety of speakers at their Friday morning meetings, held at Rolleston Scout HQ.

In November, one of the members, Mrs Barbara Bacon, gave a most interesting talk about her experiences working as a nurse in the Australian outback – rather different from working here.

An entertaining reminder of “Memories of Christmas Past” was given by Mr & Mrs Hargreaves at the December meeting – they traced the origins of many of our Christmas customs, and gave personal anecdotes of celebrations, toys, and songs of their childhood, stirring memories of a time when Christmas was less commercial. Then Doveside W.I. bell plate ringers, led by Mrs Mildred Bailey, accompanied everyone in the rendering of a few carols. This was followed by a buffet lunch prepared and served by committee members. The bell plate ringers also played at the W.I. Carol Concert held in Rolleston Church.

The President, Mrs Ann Heywood, wished everyone a Happy New Year at the January meeting, when the speaker was Mrs A. Litherland, who gave a most enlightening talk on “Designing a Chelsea Garden”. She was part of a team from Derby who won a Silver Medal at last year’s Chelsea Flower Show. She gave an account of the research into the relevant props and plants needed for their chosen theme of “Plant Hunters”. She spoke of the quest for sponsors, preparation of the site, the search for plants and then nurturing them for the show. After so much hard work it seemed a shame to dismantle their beautiful garden.

With preparations for a Group Meeting in February, hosted by Doveside, a planned trip to Llandudno in the summer, theatre visits, Scrabble and an interesting programme prepared for the year ahead, Doveside W.I. has a busy schedule.


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Last updated: 17 December 2005